




Whatโ€™s the meaning of the Pisces emoji?

Astrological Sign

In astrology, the โ™“ emoji represents the Pisces zodiac sign. It is associated with traits such as empathy, intuition, and creativity. People who identify with the Pisces sign may use this emoji to express their astrological identity or to indicate that they were born under this sign.

Religious Symbol

The โ™“ emoji is also used as a symbol for the astrological symbol of Neptune, which is associated with the Roman god of the sea. Some people may use this emoji to represent their spiritual beliefs or to express a connection with water, the ocean, or the concept of spirituality.


In music, the โ™“ emoji is sometimes used to represent the musical note 'B' in solfege notation. It can be used by musicians or music enthusiasts to discuss or express musical concepts, compositions, or performances.

Alternative Meanings

In certain online communities or subcultures, the โ™“ emoji may have alternative meanings that are specific to those groups. These meanings can vary widely and may be context-dependent. It is important to consider the specific community or context in which the emoji is being used to fully understand its intended meaning.

How to use the Pisces emoji?

I'm proud to be a โ™“ and embrace my Pisces traits of empathy and creativity.

The โ™“ emoji reminds me of my spiritual connection with the ocean and water.

I love playing the โ™“ note on my piano, it adds a beautiful touch to the composition.

The โ™“ emoji has different meanings in different online communities, so it's important to understand the context before interpreting it.

Alternative names


Water Sign

Zodiac Symbol

Two Fish

Astrological Symbol

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