Japanese “Prohibited” Button





What’s the meaning of the Japanese “Prohibited” Button emoji?

Forbidden or Prohibited

In some communities, the 🈲 emoji is used to represent something that is forbidden or prohibited. It can be used to indicate that a certain action, behavior, or topic is not allowed or should be avoided.

No Entry

The 🈲 emoji can also be interpreted as a symbol for 'no entry' or 'do not enter'. It can be used to indicate that access is restricted or that someone is not allowed to enter a particular place or engage in a specific activity.

Out of Stock

In certain contexts, the 🈲 emoji is used to represent that something is out of stock or unavailable. It can be used by businesses or individuals to indicate that a product, service, or resource is currently not available for purchase or use.

Secret or Confidential

Some communities interpret the 🈲 emoji as a symbol for secrecy or confidentiality. It can be used to represent hidden or classified information, or to indicate that something should be kept private and not shared with others.

Language Barrier

In online discussions or communities where language barriers are a topic of conversation, the 🈲 emoji can be used to represent the difficulty in understanding or communicating due to different languages. It can symbolize the need for translation or the challenges faced when language becomes a barrier.

How to use the Japanese “Prohibited” Button emoji?

The use of profanity is 🈲 in this chatroom.

The 🈲 sign at the entrance indicates that the area is off-limits.

I'm sorry, but the item you're looking for is currently 🈲.

The document contains 🈲 information that should not be shared.

Trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language can sometimes feel like 🈲.

Alternative names

No Entry



Off Limits

Do Not Enter

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