Black Medium-Small Square





Whatโ€™s the meaning of the Black Medium-Small Square emoji?

Black square

In some online communities, the โ—พ emoji is used to represent a black square. This usage originated from the Black Lives Matter movement and is often used as a symbol of solidarity with the movement and a way to raise awareness about racial injustice.

Blank placeholder

In various contexts, the โ—พ emoji is used as a blank placeholder or a generic symbol. It can be used to represent missing or unknown information, or simply as a neutral placeholder when no specific emoji or symbol is applicable.

Button or icon

The โ—พ emoji is sometimes used to represent a button or icon, particularly in user interfaces or design-related discussions. It can symbolize a clickable element or a graphical representation of an action.

Emphasis or bullet point

In certain cases, the โ—พ emoji is used to add emphasis or serve as a bullet point in written communication. It can be used to highlight important information or to structure a list or sequence of items.

Censorship or blocking

In specific contexts, the โ—พ emoji is used to symbolize censorship or blocking. It can represent the act of hiding or blocking content, either voluntarily or due to external restrictions or limitations.

How to use the Black Medium-Small Square emoji?

I stand in โ—พ solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

The form requires you to fill in the โ—พ with your personal information.

Click on the โ—พ to access the settings menu.

Here are the โ—พ key points from the presentation.

The website โ—พ certain words to prevent inappropriate content.

Alternative names

Solid Black Square

Tiny Black Square

Small Black Square

Dark Square

Black Block

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