Beating Heart


Smileys & Emotion



Whatโ€™s the meaning of the Beating Heart emoji?

Love and affection

The ๐Ÿ’“ emoji is commonly used to represent love, affection, and adoration. It can be used to express romantic love, platonic love, or even love for inanimate objects or activities.


The ๐Ÿ’“ emoji can also symbolize a heartbeat or pulse. It is often used to convey excitement, anticipation, or nervousness.

Health and wellness

In some contexts, the ๐Ÿ’“ emoji is used to represent health and wellness. It can be used to show support for someone's physical or mental well-being.

Fandom and admiration

Within fandom communities, the ๐Ÿ’“ emoji is often used to express admiration or support for a particular celebrity, character, or creative work. It signifies intense love and devotion towards a specific person or thing.

Positive vibes

The ๐Ÿ’“ emoji is sometimes used to convey positive vibes, happiness, or a general sense of joy. It can be used to express excitement, gratitude, or appreciation.

Fashion and aesthetics

In fashion and aesthetics communities, the ๐Ÿ’“ emoji is used to represent a trendy or stylish look. It can be used to show approval or admiration for someone's outfit or overall appearance.

How to use the Beating Heart emoji?

I can't help but feel ๐Ÿ’“ for you.

My heart is racing with ๐Ÿ’“ as I wait for your response.

Sending you lots of ๐Ÿ’“ for your speedy recovery.

I absolutely ๐Ÿ’“ this new album, it's a masterpiece.

Just received some great news, feeling ๐Ÿ’“ right now!

You look absolutely stunning in that outfit, so ๐Ÿ’“!

Alternative names

Love Pulse


Throbbing Heart

Pulsating Heart

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